Episode 09: The Difference Between Inspiration & Motivation

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2017 is literally a few weeks away and if you haven’t started planning for it yet, now’s the time!

So many people make New Year’s resolutions to reach their goals, but those end up falling off to the wayside by January 10th. Why does this happen? Because many tend to stay in the inspiration mindset and don’t transition their inspiration to motivation. Although these terms tend to be used as one in the same, the results of each are different.

Here are 6 practical ways to stay motivated to get the results you want for the New Year in your professional life:

  • Be clear on what motivates you.
  • Do what motivates you.
  • Be intentional with your actions.
  • Write down and monitor your goal progress.
  • Acknowledge and reward your progress along the way.
  • Surround yourself with your motivators.

I mentioned 2 definitions of inspiration; one from Oxford Dictionaries (https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/inspiration) and the other from Merriam Webster (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/inspiration).

I also gave the follow definitions of motivation as well: (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/motivation) , (https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/motivation).

In this episode, you will learn why being inspired to reach goals just isn’t enough. You’ll be given 6 practical ways on how to stay motivated to get the results you want for the New Year in your professional life.

You can use this free Performance & Goal Forecasting PDF to help you get started. Download here:  https://www.subscribepage.com/q3q0e6.

Having a great year is first a choice. Staying motivation to reach goals is a choice as well. Use the tips in this episode to help you avoid losing motivation.

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