Avoiding the Motivation Trap: How New Leaders Can Create Culture Building Momentum

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There’s one thing we can all agree on when it comes to motivation… As quickly as we get, it seems like we lose it even quicker. This isn’t because you aren’t good enough or because you’re pursuing the wrong goal. It also isn’t a sign that you’re not cut out for this new leadership role you’ve landed.

You’re not the only leader who once was excited to start (re)building your team’s culture & soon after, dreaded filling those shoes.


That’s why in this post, we’re uncovering the motivation trap that many leaders face, as well as the keys you need to create consistent momentum in building a healthy culture.


The Motivation Trap: Why Leaders Fall Out of Sync

We’ve all been there, right? You wake up one day, and everything just clicks. You’re motivated, inspired & ready to conquer the world. But here’s the catch – motivation is like that trendy coffee shop on the corner. It’s great when it’s there, but it’s not always open when you need it.

Leaders often find themselves riding the motivation wave only to crash when the going gets tough. Why? Because motivation is external; it’s driven by circumstances, feelings, or immediate rewards. It’s a fickle friend, and it won’t always stick around. Simply put, it’s only temporary.

Now, let’s talk about the secret sauce – momentum. Unlike motivation, momentum is internal, it’s the force that keeps you going when the initial excitement wears off. It’s the difference between a one-hit wonder and a chart-topping album. So, let’s break down how you, as a new leader, can shift gears and build that unstoppable momentum.


Building Momentum with Employee Engagement

Tip #1: Connect with Your Team on a Personal Level Engagement starts with connection. Take the time to get to know your team members beyond their job titles. Ask about their goals, passions, and what gets them out of bed in the morning. When you build personal connections, engagement naturally follows.

Tip #2: Foster a Collaborative Environment Encourage open communication and collaboration. Let your team members know their voices are not only heard but valued. When people feel like they’re part of a collective effort, engagement skyrockets.

Tip #3: Recognition Goes a Long Way Acknowledge and celebrate both big and small wins. Recognition is like fuel for engagement. It shows your team that their efforts are noticed and appreciated, creating a positive feedback loop that propels everyone forward.


Building Momentum with Culture Building

Tip #1: Lead by Example Culture is not just a poster on the wall; it’s a way of life. As a leader, embody the values and behaviors you want to see in your team. Your actions will set the tone for the entire organization.

Tip #2: Encourage a Growth Mindset Cultivate a culture that embraces continuous improvement. Encourage your team to see challenges as opportunities for growth, and foster an environment where learning is celebrated. This mindset shift fuels momentum for both individuals and the collective.

Tip #3: Create Rituals and Traditions Build a sense of belonging and identity through rituals and traditions. Whether it’s a weekly team meeting or a monthly celebration, these rituals strengthen the bonds within your team and contribute to a positive, consistent culture.


Building Momentum with Leadership Growth

Tip #1: Invest in Your Own Development A leader who stops growing soon stops leading. Commit to your own professional development. Attend workshops, read leadership books, and seek out mentors. Your personal growth will naturally inspire those around you.

Tip #2: Delegate and Empower Don’t try to do it all. Delegate responsibilities and empower your team members to take ownership. When they see that you trust and believe in their abilities, they’ll step up, creating a positive cycle of leadership growth.

Tip #3: Embrace Feedback and Adapt Feedback is your compass for growth. Welcome constructive feedback from your team, peers, and mentors. Use it as a tool to adapt and refine your leadership style. This willingness to evolve builds a sustainable path for leadership growth.


Culture building doesn’t have an end date. Although it’s an ongoing responsibility for every leader, it doesn’t have to be dreadful, aimless, or unproductive. Use these tips as a game plan to ensure you’re focusing on building your culture both consistently & intentionally!

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